Metacognition Stream

The window into Levia's mind

Understanding Levia's Thoughts

Think of the Metacognition Stream as a transparent window into Levia's cognitive processes. Like watching a master craftsman explain their work as they do it, this stream reveals the thought process, decisions, and actions in real-time.

How It Works

When Levia processes a request, it shares its thinking:

  • Initial understanding of the request

  • Decision-making process

  • Module and API selections

  • Success or failure outcomes

  • Alternative approaches considered

For example:

Analyze this sales data and create a visualization"

Metacognition Stream:
> Understanding request: Data analysis and visualization task
> Checking data format compatibility
> Selecting analysis module: DataProcessor
> API call: Processing raw data
> Considering visualization options: Line chart vs Bar graph
> Selected: Line chart (reason: time-series data)
> Generating visualization...

Interactive Guidance

The stream isn't just for observation - users can interact with Levia's thinking:

  • Suggest alternative approaches

  • Point out overlooked factors

  • Guide decision-making

  • Share domain expertise

This creates a collaborative relationship where both Levia and users learn from each other, leading to better outcomes and continuous improvement.

Last updated